Journal articles



Greet, Joe, Rephael Lankri, Sarah Gaskill, Sarah Fischer, Delta Freedman, and Tiana Preston (2023). Urban billabong restoration benefits from Traditional Owner involvement and regular flooding. Marine and Freshwater Research. (Open Access)

Hanley, P. A., Livesley, S. J., Fletcher, T. D., & Szota, C. (2023). Water use strategy determines the effectiveness of internal water storage for trees growing in biofilters subject to repeated droughts. Science of The Total Environment, 164762. (Open Access)

Imberger, M., Hatt, B., Brown, S., Burns, M. J., Burrows, R. M., & Walsh, C. J. (2023). Headwater streams in an urbanizing world. (Pre-print)

Kitanović, V., J. Greet, S. A. McKendrick and C. S. Jones (2023). Riparian and terrestrial grasses display unexpected tolerance to cool-season inundation. Wetlands Ecology and Management. (Open Access)

Russell, K., Kirstie Fryirs, David Reid, Alison Miller, Geoff Vietz, Ian Rutherfurd, Ben Pearson, Apanie Wood, Sarah Gregor, Jess Walker & Johanna Slijkerman (2023). Evolution of a river management industry in Australia reveals meandering pathway to 2030 UN goals. Communications Earth & Environment. (Open Access)

Wills, TJ., Retallick RWR, Greet J. and Bennett A. (2023). Browsing by non-native invasive sambar deer dramatically impacts forest structure. Forest Ecology and Management. (Open Access)


Bennett A, Fedrigo M, Greet J (2022) A field method for rapidly assessing deer density and impacts in forested ecosystems. Ecological Management & Restoration 23: 81-88.

Coleman, R.A., Chee, Y.E., Bond, N.R., Weeks, A., Griffiths, J., Serena, M., Williams, G.A. & Walsh, C.J. (2022). Understanding and managing the interactive impacts of growth in urban land use and climate change on freshwater biota: A case study using the platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus). Global change biology, 28(4), 1287-1300.

Farrell, C., Livesley, S.J., Arndt, S.K., Beaumont, L., Burley, H., Ellsworth, D., Esperon-Rodriguez, M., Fletcher, T.D., Gallagher, R., Ossola, A. and Power, S.A., (2022). Can we integrate ecological approaches to improve plant selection for green infrastructure?. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, p.127732.

Fischer S, Greet J, Walsh CJ, Catford JA, Arndt SK (2022) Riparian trees resprout regardless of timing and severity of disturbance by coppicing. Forest Ecology and Management 507, 119988.

Greet J, Fischer S, Walsh CJ, Sammonds MJ, Catford JA (2022) Restored river-floodplain connectivity promotes riparian tree maintenance and recruitment. Forest Ecology and Management 506, 119952.

Hawley, R. J., Russell, K. L., and Olinde, L. J. (2022) Qc threshold departs from theoretical Qc in urban watersheds: The role of streambed mobility data in managing the urban disturbance regime. Freshwater Science 41(3), 489-506.

Hawley, R. J., Russell, K., & Taniguchi-Quan, K. (2021). Restoring Geomorphic Integrity in Urban Streams via Mechanistically Based Stormwater Management: Minimizing Excess Sediment Transport Capacity. Urban Ecosystems. (Open Access)

Lim, T. J., Sargent, R., Henry, R., Fletcher, T. D., Coleman, R. A., McCarthy, D. T., & Lintern, A. (2022). Riparian buffers: Disrupting the transport of E. coli from rural catchments to streams. Water Research, 222, 118897.

Main, A. C., Greet, J., Vivian, L. M., & Jones, C. S. (2022). Warmer water temperatures exacerbate the negative impacts of inundation on herbaceous riparian plants. Freshwater Biology. (Open Access)

McKendrick S, Ede F, Miller R, Greet J (2022) Pre-emergence processes limit seedling recruitment in two direct seeded Acacia spp. Forest Ecology and Management 505: 119912.

Murphy, B. M., Russell, K. L., Mould, S., Vietz, G. and Nelson, P. A. (2022) Managing urban riverscapes: An assessment framework to integrate social-ecological values and physical processes. Journal of Environmental Management 322, 115868

Murphy, B. M., Russell, K. L., Stillwell, C. C., Hawley, R., Scoggins, M., Hopkins, K. G., … & Smith, R. F. (2022). Closing the gap on wicked urban stream restoration problems: A framework to integrate science and community values. Freshwater Science, 41(3), 000-000.

Poozan, A., Western, A. W., Burns, M. J., & Arora, M. (2022). Modelling the interaction between vegetation and infiltrated stormwater. Journal of Hydrology, 607, 127527.

Scoggins, M., Booth, D. B., Fletcher, T., Fork, M., Gonzalez, A., Hale, R. L., … & Wenger, S. (2022). Community-powered urban stream restoration: A vision for sustainable and resilient urban ecosystems. Freshwater Science. (Open Access)

Soni, L., Szota, C., Fletcher, T.D. and Farrell, C., 2022. Influence of water storage and plant crop factor on green roof retention and plant drought stress. PLOS Water, 1(3), p.e0000009. (Open Access)

Stewart, S.B., Fedrigo, M., Kasel, S., Roxburgh, S.H., Choden, K., Tenzin, K., Allen, K. and Nitschke, C.R., (2022). Predicting plant species distributions using climate‐based model ensembles with corresponding measures of congruence and uncertainty. Diversity and Distributions. (Open Access)

Thom, J.K., Fletcher, T.D., Livesley, S.J., Grey, V. and Szota, C., (2022). Supporting growth and transpiration of newly planted street trees with passive irrigation systems. Water Resources Research, 58(1), p.e2020WR029526.

Thom, J.K., Livesley, S.J., Fletcher, T.D., Farrell, C., Arndt, S.K., Konarska, J. and Szota, C., (2022). Selecting tree species with high transpiration and drought avoidance to optimise runoff reduction in passive irrigation systems. Science of The Total Environment, 812, p.151466.

Walsh C.J., Burns M.J., Fletcher T.D., Bos D.G., Kunapo J., Poelsma P., & Imberger, M.J. (2022) Linking stormwater control performance to stream ecosystem outcomes: incorporating a performance metric into effective imperviousness. PLOS Water. doi: 10.31219/ (Open Access)

Walsh, C. J., Imberger, M. J., Burns, M. J., Fletcher, T. D., & Bos, D. G. (2022). Dispersed Urban-Stormwater Control Improved Stream Water Quality in a Catchment-Scale Experiment. Water Resources Research. (Open Access). (Full text, and data and code available at Open Science Framework, DOI:(10.17605/OSF.IO/4YWVQ.))

Waymouth, V.; Miller, R.E; Kasel, S.; Ede, F.; Bissett, A.; Aponte, C. (2022) Riparian fungal communities respond to land-use mediated changes in soil properties and vegetation structure. Plant Soil

Webber, J. L., Fletcher, T., Farmani, R., Butler, D., & Melville-Shreeve, P. (2022). Moving to a future of smart stormwater management: A review and framework for terminology, research, and future perspectives. Water Research, 118409. (Open Access)

Xu, W.D., Burns, M.J., Cherqui, F.D.R., Smith‐Miles, K. and Fletcher, T.D., (2022) Coordinated Control Can Deliver Synergies Across Multiple Rainwater Storages. Water Resources Research, p.e2021WR030266.


Asry, A., Bonneau, J., Fernandes, G., Kouyi, G. L., Chocat, B., Fletcher, T. D., & Lassabatere, L. (2021). Modelling uniform and preferential flow in bioretention systems. In EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts.

Behroozi, A., Arora, M., Fletcher, T. D., Western, A. W., & Costelloe, J. F. (2021). Understanding the Impact of Soil Clay Mineralogy on the Adsorption Behavior of Zinc. International Journal of Environmental Research, 15(3), 559-569.

Bonneau, J., Kouyi, G. L., Lassabatere, L., & Fletcher, T. D. (2021). Field validation of a physically-based model for bioretention systems. Journal of Cleaner Production, 127636.

Bos, D. G. (2021). Private assets for public benefit: the challenge of long-term management of domestic rainwater tanks. Blue-Green Systems. (Open Access)

Ede, F. and Greet, J. (2021) Post-sowing weed control technique can affect woody seedling numbers, with early hand-weeding potentially more beneficial than early spraying. Ecological Management & Restoration

Fischer, S., Greet, J., Walsh, C. and Catford, J., 2021. Flood disturbance affects morphology and reproduction of woody riparian plants. Scientific Reports, 11, 16477. (Open Access)

Fischer, S., Greet, J., Walsh, C. J., Catford, J. A. (2021) Restored river-floodplain connectivity promotes woody plant establishment. Forest Ecology and Management.

Jellinek, S. Lloyd, S. Catterall, C. & Sato, C. (2021) Facilitating collaborations between researchers and practitioners in ecosystem management and restoration. Ecological Restoration & Management.

Hanley, P. A., Arndt, S. K., Livesley, S. J., & Szota, C. (2021). Relating the climate envelopes of urban tree species to their drought and thermal tolerance. Science of The Total Environment, 753, 142012.

O’Dea, R.E., Parker, T.H., Chee, Y.E. et al. Towards open, reliable, and transparent ecology and evolutionary biology. BMC Biology 19, 68 (2021).

Thom, J. K., Livesley, S. J., Fletcher, T. D., Farrell, C., Arndt, S. K., Konarska, J., & Szota, C. (2021). Selecting tree species with high transpiration and drought avoidance to optimise runoff reduction in passive irrigation systems. Science of The Total Environment, 151466.

Pereira, M., Greet, J. & Jones, C.S. (2021). Native riparian plant species dominate the soil seedbank of in-channel geomorphic features of a regulated river. Environmental Management.

Pritzkow, C., Szota, C., Williamson, V., & Arndt, S. K. (2021). Previous drought exposure leads to greater drought resistance in eucalypts through changes in morphology rather than physiology. Tree Physiology.

Russell. K. (2021) Potential sediment supply fluxes associated with greenfield residential construction. Anthropocene, 35, 100300. (Open Access)

Waymouth, V.; Miller, R.E; Kasel, S.; Ede, F.; Bissett, A.; Aponte, C. Soil (2021) Bacterial Community Responds to Land-Use Change in Riparian Ecosystems. Forests , 12, 157.

Western, A.W., Arora, M., Burns, M.J., Bonneau, J., Thom, J.K., Yong, C.F., James, R.B., Poelsma, P.J. and Fletcher, T.D., (2021). Impacts of stormwater infiltration on downslope soil moisture and tree water use. Environmental Research Letters.

Williams, N. S., Bathgate, R. S., Farrell, C., Lee, K. E., Szota, C., Bush, J., & Rayner, J. P. (2021). Ten years of greening a wide brown land: A synthesis of Australian green roof research and roadmap forward. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 127179.

Xu, W. D., Burns, M. J., Cherqui, F., & Fletcher, T. D. (2021). Enhancing stormwater control measures using real-time control technology: a review. Urban Water Journal, 18(2), 101-114.

Zhang, K., Liu, Y., Deletic, A., McCarthy, D. T., Hatt, B. E., Payne, E. G., Chandrasena, G., Li, Y., Pham, T., & Jamali, B. (2021). The impact of stormwater biofilter design and operational variables on nutrient removal-a statistical modelling approach. Water Research, 188, 116486.

Zinger, Y., Prodanovic, V., Zhang, K., Fletcher, T. D., & Deletic, A. (2021). The effect of intermittent drying and wetting stormwater cycles on the nutrient removal performances of two vegetated biofiltration designs. Chemosphere, 267, 129294.


Baptista, M. D., Amati, M., Fletcher, T. D., & Burns, M. J. (2020). The economic benefits of reductions in nitrogen loads from stormwater runoff by street trees. Blue-Green Systems.

Behroozi, A., Arora, M., Fletcher, T. D., & Western, A. W. (2020). Sorption and transport behavior of zinc in the soil: Implications for stormwater management. Geoderma, 367, 114243.

Bermúdez-Contreras, A.I.; Ede, F.; Waymouth, V.; Miller, R.E.; Aponte, C. (2020) Revegetation technique changes root mycorrhizal colonisation and root fungal communities: the advantage of direct seeding over transplanting tube-stock in riparian ecosystems. Plant Ecology, 221, 813–828.

Bonneau, J., Fletcher, T. D., Costelloe, J. F., Poelsma, P. J., James, R. B., & Burns, M. J. (2020). The hydrologic, water quality and flow regime performance of a bioretention basin in Melbourne, Australia. Urban Water Journal, 1-12.

Chee, YE, Coleman, R, RossRakesh, S, Bond, N and Walsh, C (2020) Ecological modelling and waterway management prioritisation in greater Melbourne. ESA Bulletin, 50 (4), 2-3.

Cherqui, F., James, R., Poelsma, P., Burns, M. J., Szota, C., Fletcher, T., & Bertrand-Krajewski, J. L. (2020). A platform and protocol to standardise the test and selection low-cost sensors for water level monitoring. H2Open Journal.

Greet, J., Fischer, S., & Russell, K. (2020) Longer duration flooding reduces the growth and sexual reproductive efforts of a keystone wetland tree species. Wetlands Ecology and Management, 28:655-666.

Greet, J., Harley, D., Ashman, K., Watchorn, D., & Duncan, D. (2020). The vegetation structure and condition of contracting lowland habitat for Leadbeater’s possum (Gymnobelideus leadbeateri). Australian Mammalogy. (Open Access)

Kermode, S., Vietz, G., Tippler, C., Russell, K., Fletcher, T., van der Sterran, M., Birtles, P., & Dean, M. (2020) Urban Streamflow Impact Assessment (USIA): a novel approach for protecting urbanising waterways and providing the justification for integrated water management. Australasian Journal of Water Resources, 1-11. (Accepted Manuscript)

Russell, K. L., Vietz, G. J., & Fletcher, T. D. (2020). How urban stormwater regimes drive geomorphic degradation of receiving streams. Progress in Physical Geography: Earth and Environment, 44(5), 746-778. (Accepted Manuscript)

Thom, J. K., Szota, C., Coutts, A. M., Fletcher, T. D., & Livesley, S. J. (2020). Transpiration by established trees could increase the efficiency of stormwater control measures. Water Research, 115597.

Vivian, L. M., Greet, J., & Jones, C. S. (2020). Responses of grasses to experimental submergence in summer: implications for the management of unseasonal flows in regulated rivers. Aquatic Ecology, 1-15.

Waymouth, V.; Miller, R.E.; Ede, F.; Bissett, A.; Aponte, C.; (2020) Variation in soil microbial communities: elucidating relationships with vegetation and soil properties, and testing sampling effectiveness. Plant Ecology 221, 837-851.

White, J.Y. and Walsh, C.J. (2020). Catchment-scale urbanization diminishes effects of habitat complexity on instream macroinvertebrate assemblages. Ecological Applications, 30(8), e02199. DOI: 10.1002/eap.2199. (Open Access)

Xu, W. D., Fletcher, T. D., Burns, M. J., & Cherqui, F. (2020). Real‐Time Control of Rainwater Harvesting Systems: The Benefits of Increasing Rainfall Forecast Window. Water Resources Research.


Anim, D. O., Fletcher, T. D., Vietz, G. J., Burns, M. J., & Pasternack, G. B. (2019). How alternative urban stream channel designs influence ecohydraulic conditions. Journal of Environmental Management, 247, 242-252.

Anim, D. O., Fletcher, T. D., Vietz, G. J., Pasternack, G. B., & Burns, M. J. (2019). Restoring in‐stream habitat in urban catchments: Modify flow or the channel?. Ecohydrology, 12(1), e2050.

Anim, D. O., Fletcher, T. D., Pasternack, G. B., Vietz, G. J., Duncan, H. P., & Burns, M. J. (2019). Can catchment-scale urban stormwater management measures benefit the stream hydraulic environment? Journal of Environmental Management 233, 1-11.

Bugnot, A.B., Hose, G.C., Walsh, C.J., Floerl, O., French, K., Dafforn, K.A., Hanford, J., Lowe, E.C. & Hahs, A.K. (2019) Urban impacts across realms: Making the case for inter-realm monitoring and management. Science of the Total Environment, 648 711-719. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.08.134. (Open Access)

Duncan, H. P. (2019). Baseflow Separation–A Practical Approach. Journal of Hydrology 575, 308-313.

Duong, A. Greet, J. Walsh, CJ., and Sammonds, MJ. (2019) Managed flooding can augment the benefits of natural flooding for native wetland vegetation. Restoration Ecology. (Open Access)

Gramatakos, A. L. and Lavau, S. (2019). Informal learning for sustainability in higher education institutions. International Journal for Sustainability in Higher Education.

Greet, J, Ede, F., Robertson, D & McKendrick, S (2019) Should I plant or should I sow? Restoration outcomes compared across seven riparian revegetation projects. Ecological Management & Restoration.

Greet J. and King, E. (2019). Slashing Phragmites (Phragmites australis) prior to planting does not promote native vegetation establishment. Ecological Management and Restoration 20(2), 162-165.

Onori, A., Lavau, S. and Fletcher, T. (2019). Implementation as more than installation: a case study of the challenges in implementing green infrastructure projects in two Australian primary schools. Urban Water Journal. ( Open Access)

Russell, K.L., Vietz, G.J. and Fletcher, T.D. (2019) A suburban sediment budget: coarse‐grained sediment flux through hillslopes, stormwater systems and streams. Earth Surface Processes and Lanforms.doi: 10.1002/esp.4685. (Accepted Manuscript)

Russell KL, Vietz GJ and Fletcher TD. (2019) Urban sediment supply to streams from hillslope sources. Science of the Total Environment 653: 684-697. (Accepted Manuscript)

Szota, C., Coutts, A. M., Thom, J. K., Virahsawmy, H. K., Fletcher, T. D., & Livesley, S. J. (2019). Street tree stormwater control measures can reduce runoff but may not benefit established trees. Landscape and Urban Planning, 182, 144-155.

Tiegs, S., Imberger, S. et al (2019). Global patterns and drivers of ecosystem functioning in rivers and riparian zones. Science Advances. (Open Access)

Webber, J. L., Fletcher, T. D., Cunningham, L., Fu, G., Butler, D., & Burns, M. J. (2019). Is green infrastructure a viable strategy for managing urban surface water flooding? Urban Water Journal, 1-11.

Zhang, Z., Szota, C., Fletcher, T. D., Williams, N. S., & Farrell, C. (2019). Green roof storage capacity can be more important than evapotranspiration for retention performance. Journal of Environmental Management, 232, 404-412.


Al-Ameri, M., Hatt, B., Le Coustumer, S., Fletcher, T., Payne, E., & Deletic, A. (2018). Accumulation of heavy metals in stormwater bioretention media: A field study of temporal and spatial variation. Journal of Hydrology.

Anim, D. O., Fletcher, T. D., Vietz, G., Pasternack, G., & Burns, M. J. (2018). Effect of urbanization on stream hydraulics. River Research and Applications (

Bonneau, J., Burns, M. J., Fletcher, T. D., Witt, R., Drysdale, R. N., & Costelloe, J. F. (2018). The impact of urbanization on subsurface flow paths–a paired-catchment isotopic study. Journal of Hydrology.

Bonneau, J., Fletcher, T. D., Costelloe, J. F., Poelsma, P. J., James, R. B., & Burns, M. J. (2018). Where does infiltrated stormwater go? Interactions with vegetation and subsurface anthropogenic featuresJournal of Hydrology.

Coller, M. L. F., P. Wheeler, J. Kunapo, and J. Peterson. Interactive flood hazard visualisation in Adobe Flash. Journal of Flood Risk Management 11 (2018): S134-S146.

Coker, M.E., Bond, N.R, Chee, Y.E., and Walsh, C.J. (2018). Alternatives to biodiversity offsets for mitigating the effects of urbanization on stream ecosystems Conservation Biology. DOI: 10.1111/cobi.13057Full text

Dagenais, D., Brisson, J., & Fletcher, T. D. (2018). The role of plants in bioretention systems; does the science underpin current guidance?. Ecological Engineering, 120, 532-545.

Ehrenfried, L., Vietz, G., Whiteoak, K., (2018). Incentivising stormwater management in cities and suburbs: Examples from Germany and Opportunities for Australia. Water 3(1): 1-15

Grey, V., Livesley, S. J., Fletcher, T. D., & Szota, C. (2018). Establishing street trees in stormwater control measures can double tree growth when extended waterlogging is avoidedLandscape and Urban Planning178, 122-129.

Grey, V., Livesley, S. J., Fletcher, T. D., & Szota, C. (2018). Tree pits to help mitigate runoff in dense urban areas. Journal of hydrology, 565, 400-410.

Moser, S. and Greet, J. (2018) Unpalatable neighbours reduce browsing on woody seedlings. Forest Ecology and Management. 414: 41-46

Kunapo, J., Fletcher, T. D., Ladson, A. R., Cunningham, L., & Burns, M. J. (2018). A spatially explicit framework for climate adaptation. Urban Water Journal, 1-8.

McCarthy, D. T., Zhang, K., Westerlund, C., Viklander, M., Bertrand-Krajewski, J. L., Fletcher, T. D., & Deletic, A. (2018). Assessment of sampling strategies for estimation of site mean concentrations of stormwater pollutants. Water research, 129, 297-304.

Parris, K.M., Amati, M., Bekessy, S.A., Dagenais, D., Fryd, O., Hahs, A.K., Hes, D., Imberger, S.J., Livesley, S.J., Marshall, A.J. Walsh, C.W. and Rhodes, J.R., (2018). The seven lamps of planning for biodiversity in the city. Cities, 83, 44-53.(Open Access)

Payne, E. G., Pham, T., Deletic, A., Hatt, B. E., Cook, P. L., & Fletcher, T. D. (2018). Which species? A decision-support tool to guide plant selection in stormwater biofilters. Advances in Water Resources.

Robertson, J. J., Fletcher, T. D., Danger, A., & Szota, C. (2018). Identifying critical inundation thresholds to maintain vegetation cover in stormwater treatment wetlands. Ecological Engineering, 116, 80-86.

Russell, K.L., Vietz, GJ and Fletcher, T.D. (2018) Urban catchment runoff increases bedloadsediment yield and particle size in stream channels. Anthropocene 23: 53-66. (Accepted Manuscript)

Soanes, K., Sievers, M., Chee, Y. E., Williams, N. S., Bhardwaj, M., Marshall, A. J., & Parris, K. M. (2018). Correcting common misconceptions to inspire conservation action in urban environments. Conservation Biology.

Szota, C., McCarthy, M. J., Sanders, G. J., Farrell, C., Fletcher, T. D., Arndt, S. K., & Livesley, S. J. (2018). Tree water-use strategies to improve stormwater retention performance of biofiltration systems. Water Research.144, 285-295.

Vietz, G. J., Lintern, A., Webb, J. A., & Straccione, D. (2018). River bank erosion and the influence of environmental flow management. Environmental management, 61(3), 454-468.

Xu, W. D., Fletcher, T. D., Duncan, H. P., Bergmann, D. J., Breman, J., & Burns, M. J. (2018). Improving the Multi-Objective Performance of Rainwater Harvesting Systems Using Real-Time Control Technology. Water, 10(2), 147. Open Access

Zacks G., Greet J., Walsh C., Raulings E. (2018) The flooding tolerance of two critical habitat-forming wetlands, Leptospermum lanigerum and Melaleuca squarrosa, at different life history stages. Australian Journal of Botany. 66: 500-510.

Zhang, Z., Szota, C., Fletcher, T. D., Williams, N. S., Werdin, J., & Farrell, C. (2018). Influence of plant composition and water use strategies on green roof stormwater retention. Science of The Total Environment, 625, 775-781.

Bonneau,J. Fletcher, T.D. Costello, J.F. and Burns, M.J. (2017). Stormwater infiltration and the urban ‘karst’ – A review.  Journal of Hydrology.

Farag, A.M., Larson, D.L., Stauber, J., Stahl, R. and Walsh, C.J. (2017) Restoration of contaminated ecosystems: adaptive management in a changing climate. Restoration Ecology, 25, 884–893.

Fidler, F., Chee, Y.E., Wintle, B.C., Burgman, M., McCarthy, M. and Gordon, A. (2017). Meta-research for evaluating reproductability in ecology and evolution. BioScience 67, 282-289.

Li, C. Fletcher, T.D. Duncan, H.P. & Burns, M.J. (2017). Can stormwater control measures restore altered urban flow regimes at the catchment scale? Journal of Hydrology.

Payne, E. G. I., Pham, T., Cook, P. L. M., Deletic, A., Hatt, B. E., & Fletcher, T. D. (2017). The inside story of gas processes within stormwater biofilters – does greenhouse gas production tarnish the benefits of nitrogen removal?. Environmental Science & Technology. doi:10.1021/acs.est.6b05653.

Richards, P. J., Williams, N. S. G., Fletcher, T. D., & Farrell, C. (2017). Can raingardens produce food and retain stormwater? Effects of substrates and stormwater application method on plant water use, stormwater retention and yield. Ecological Engineering, 100, 165-174. doi:10.1016/j.ecoleng.2016.12.013.

Russell, K.L., Vietz, G.J, & Fletcher, T.D. (2017). Global sediment yields from urban and urbanizing watersheds. Earth-Science Reviews, 168, 73-80.

Schubert, J.E., Burns, M.J., Fletcher, T.D. & Sanders, B.F. (2017). A Framework for the Case-Specific Assessment of Green Infrastructure in Mitigating Urban Flood Hazards. Advances in Water Resources.

Szota, C., Farrell, C., Williams, N.S.G., Arndt, S.K., & Fletcher, T.D. (2017). Drought-avoiding plants with low water use can achieve high rainfall retention without jeopardising survival on green roofs. Science of the Total environment.

Szota, C., Fletcher, T. D., Desbois, C., Rayner, J. P., Williams, N. S., & Farrell, C. (2017). Laboratory Tests of Substrate Physical Properties May Not Represent the Retention Capacity of Green Roof Substrates In Situ. Water, 9(12), 920.


Bhaskar, A., Beesley, L., Burns, M. J., Fletcher, T. D., Hamel, P., Oldham, C., & Roy, A. (2016). Will it rise or will it fall? Managing the complex effects of urbanization on base flow. Freshwater Science 35, 293–310. Open Access : View Online

Brown, H.L., Bos, D.G., Walsh, C.J., Fletcher, T.D. and Rossrakesh, S. (2016). More than money: how multiple factors influence householder participation in at-source stormwater management. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 59, 79-97.

Chee, Y.E., Wilkinson, L., Nicholson, A.E., Quintana-Ascencio, P.F., Fauth, J.E., Hall, D., Ponzio, K.J. and Rumpff, L. (2016) Modelling spatial and temporal changes with GIS and Spatial and Dynamic Bayesian Networks. Environmental Modelling and Software 82, 108-120.

Garrard, G.E., Fidler, F., Wintle, B.C., Chee, Y.E. and Bekessy, S.A. (2016) Debunking some common myths to create more space for scientists in public debate. ESA Bulletin 46, 6-7.

Garrard, G.E., Fidler, F., Wintle, B.C., Chee, Y.E. and Bekessy, S.A. (2016) Beyond advocacy: making space for conservation scientists in public debate. Conservation Letters 9, 208-212.

Greet, J. (2016) The potential of soil seed banks of a eucalypt wetland forest to aid restoration. Wetlands Ecology and Management 24, 565-577

Greet, J., King, E., and Stewart-Howie, M. (2016) Plastic weed matting is better than jute or woodchips for controlling the invasive wetland grass Phalaris arundinacea, but not Phragmites australis. Plant Protection Quarterly 31, 19-22.

Hawley, R. J., & Vietz, G. J. (2016). Addressing the urban stream disturbance regime. Freshwater Science, 35, 278–292.

Imberger, S.J., Walsh, C.J., Tsyrlin, E., Kerr, D.G., and Tewman, M. (2016). Variability in the response of amphipods and macroinvertebrate assemblage structure to prolonged drought in forested upland streams. Biodiversity and Conservation, 25: 1465–1480.

Mata, L., Garrad, G.E., Kutt, A., Wintle, B.C., Chee, Y.E., Backstrom, A., Bainbridge, B., Urlus, J., Brown, G., Tolsma, A., Yen, A., New, T. and Bekessy, S. (2016) Eliciting and integrating expert knowledge to assess the viability of the critically endangered golden sun-moth Synemon plana. Austral Ecology, 10.1111/aec.12431.

Nemes, V., La Nauze, A., Walsh, C.J., Fletcher, T.D., Bos, D., Rossrakesh, S. and Stoneham, G. (2016). Saving a creek one bid at a time: a uniform price auction for urban stormwater retention. Urban Water Journal, 13232–241.

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Vietz, G.J., Walsh, C.J. and Fletcher, T.D. (2016). Urban hydrogeomorphology and the urban stream syndrome: treating the symptoms and causes of geomorphic change. Progress in Physical Geography, 40, 480–492.

Walsh, C.J., Booth, D.B., Burns, M.J., Fletcher, T.D., Hale, R.L., Hoang, L.N., Livingston, G., Rippy, M.A., Roy, A.H., Scoggins, M. & Wallace, A. (2016). Principles for urban stormwater management to protect stream ecosystems. Freshwater Science, 35, 398–411. Open Access

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Walsh, C.J. & Webb, J.A. (2016). Interactive effects of urban stormwater drainage, land clearance, and flow regime on stream macroinvertebrate assemblages across a large metropolitan region. Freshwater Science, 35, 324–339. Open Access


Askarizadeh, A., Rippy, M. A., Fletcher, T. D., Feldman, D., Peng, J., Bowler, P., Mehring, A., Winfrey, B., Vrugt, J., & AghaKouchak, A. (2015). From rain tanks to catchments: Use of low-impact development to address hydrologic symptoms of the urban stream syndrome. Environmental Science and Technology, 49, 11264–11280.

Bos, D.G. & Brown, H.L. (2015) Overcoming barriers to community participation in a catchment-scale experiment: building trust and changing behavior. Freshwater Science 34, 1169–1175. Full text

Burns, M. J., Fletcher, T. D., Duncan, H. P., Hatt, B. E., Ladson, A. R., & Walsh, C. J. (2015). The performance of rainwater tanks for stormwater retention and water supply at the household scale: an empirical study. Hydrological Processes, 29, 152–160.

Burns, M.J., Schubert, J.E., Fletcher, T.D & Sanders, B.F. (2015). Testing the impact of at-source stormwater management on urban flooding through a coupling of network and overland flow models. WIREs Water, 2, 291–300.

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Burns, M. J., Walsh, C. J., Fletcher, T. D., Ladson, A. R., & Hatt, B. E. (2015)  A landscape measure of urban stormwater runoff effects is a better predictor of stream condition than a suite of hydrologic factors. Ecohydrology, 8, 160–171.

Fletcher, T. D., Shuster, W. D., Hunt, W. F., Ashley, R., Butler, D., Arthur, S., Trowsdale, S., Barraud, S., Semadeni-Davies, A., Bertrand-Krajewski, J.-L., Mikkelsen, P. S., Rivard, G., Uhl, M., Dagenais, D., & Viklander, M. (2015)  SUDS, LID, BMPs, WSUD and more—the evolution and application of terminology surrounding urban drainage. Urban Water Journal, 12, 525-542. Full text

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Greet, J., & Rees, P. (2015) Slashing may have potential for controlling Phragmites australis in long-inundated parts of a Ramsar-listed wetland. Ecological Management and Restoration. 16, 233-236

Hamel, P., Daly, E., & Fletcher, T. D. (2015). Which baseflow metrics should be used in assessing flow regimes of urban streams? Hydrological Processes, 29, 2367–2378.

Prosser, T., Morison, P.J. & Coleman, R.A. (2015). Integrating stormwater management to restore a stream: perspectives from a waterway management authority. Freshwater Science, 34, 1186–1194. Full text

Richards, P. J., Farrell, C., Tom, M., Williams, N. S. G., & Fletcher, T. D. (2015). Vegetable raingardens can produce food and reduce stormwater runoff. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, 14, 646–654.

Sammonds, M.J, & Vietz, G.J. (2015). Setting stream naturalisation goals to achieve ecosystem improvement in urbanising greenfield catchments. Area, 47, 386–395.

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Walsh, C.J., Fletcher, T.D., Bos, D.G., & Imberger, S.J. (2015). Restoring a stream through retention of urban stormwater runoff: a catchment-scale experiment in a social-ecological system. Freshwater Science, 34, 1161–1168. Full text


Burns, M.J., Fletcher, T.D., Walsh, C.J., Ladson, A.R. & Hatt, B.E. (2014) Flow-regime management at the urban land-parcel scale: a test of feasibility. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 20, 0001002.  DOI:10.1061/(ASCE)HE.1943-5584.0001002.

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Hamel, P. & Fletcher, T.D. (2014) Modelling the impact of stormwater source-control infiltration techniques on catchment baseflow. Hydrological Processes, 28(24), 5817-5831.

Hamel, P., McHugh, I., Coutts, A., Daly, E., Beringer, J., & Fletcher, T. D. (2014) Automated chamber system to measure field evapotranspiration rates. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 20, 000106. DOI:10.1061/(ASCE)HE.1943-5584.0001006

Imberger, S.J., Cook, P.L.M., Grace, M.R. & Thompson, R.M. (2014) Tracing carbon sources in small urbanising streams: catchment-scale stormwater drainage overwhelms the effects of reach-scale riparian vegetation. Freshwater Biology, 59, 168–186.

Kandra, H., McCarthy, D. T., Fletcher, T. D., & Deletic, A. (2014) Assessment of clogging phenomena in granular filter media used for stormwater treatment Journal of Hydrology, 512, 518–527.

Lizama Allende, K., McCarthy, D., & Fletcher, T. (2014) The influence of media type on removal of arsenic, iron and boron from acidic wastewater in horizontal flow wetland microcosms planted with Phragmites australis. Chemical Engineering Journal, 246, 217–228.

Marchand, L., Nsanganwimana, F., Lamy, J., Quintela-Sabaris, C., Gonnelli, C., Colzi, I., Fletcher, T., Oustriere, N., Kolbas, A., and Kidd, P. (2014). Root biomass production in populations of six rooted macrophytes in response to Cu exposure: Intra-specific variability versus constitutive-like tolerance. Environmental Pollution, 193, 205-215.

Martin, E.H., Walsh, C.J., Serena, M. & Webb, J.A. (2014) Urban stormwater runoff limits distribution of platypus. Austral Ecology39, 337–345.

Payne, E.G.I., Fletcher, T.D., Cook, P.L.M., Deletic, A. & Hatt, B.E. (2014) Processes and drivers of nitrogen removal in stormwater biofiltration. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, 44, 796–846.

Payne, E., Pham, T., Cook, P. L. M., Fletcher, T. D., Hatt, B., & Deletic, A. (2014) Biofilter design for effective nitrogen removal from stormwater – influence of plant species, inflow hydrology and use of a saturated zone. Water Science and Technology, doi:10.2166/wst.2014.013.

Payne, E. G. I., Fletcher, T. D., Russell, D., Grace, M. R., Cavagnaro, T., Evrard, V., Deletic, A., Hatt, B., & Cook, P. L. M. (2014) Temporary storage or permanent removal? The division of nitrogen between biotic assimilation and denitrification in stormwater biofiltration systems. PLoS ONE 9(3), e90890.

Tom, M., Fletcher, T. D., and McCarthy, D. T. (2014). Heavy metal contamination of vegetables irrigated by urban stormwater: A matter of time? PLOS ONE, 9(11).

Vietz, G.J., Sammonds, M.J., Fletcher, T.D., Walsh, C.J., Rutherfurd, I.D. & Stewardson, M.J. (2014) Ecologically relevant geomorphic attributes of streams are impaired by even low levels of watershed effective imperviousness. Geomorphology, 206, 67–78.

Walsh, C. J. & Webb, J. A. (2014) Spatial weighting of land use and temporal weighting of antecedent discharge improves prediction of stream condition. Landscape Ecology, 29, 1171–1185.


Braud, I., Fletcher, T.D. & Andrieu, H. (2013) Hydrology of peri-urban catchments: processing and modelling. Journal of Hydrology, 485, 1–4.

Browne, D., Deletic, A., Mudd, G., & Fletcher, T. (2013) A two-dimensional model of hydraulic performance of stormwater infiltration systems. Hydrological Processes, 27, 2785–2799.

Fletcher, T.D., Andrieu, H. & Hamel, P. (2013) Understanding, management and modelling of urban hydrology and its consequences for receiving waters; a state of the art. Advances in Water Resources, 51, 261–279.

Grant, S.B., Fletcher, T.D., Feldman, D.L., Saphores, J.D., Cook, P.L. M., Stewardson, M., Low, K., Burry, K., & Hamilton, A.J. (2013) Adapting urban water systems to a changing climate: lessons from the Millennium drought in southeast Australia. Environmental Science & Technology, 47, 10727–10734.

Greet, J., Cousens, R.D. & Webb, J.A. (2013) More exotic and fewer native plant species: riverine vegetation patterns associated with altered seasonal flow patterns. River Research and Applications, 29, 686-706.

Greet, J., Cousens, R.D. & Webb, J.A. (2013) Seasonal timing of inundation affects riparian plant growth and flowering: implications for riparian vegetation composition. Plant ecology, 214, 87-101.

Greet, J., Cousens, R.D. & Webb, J.A. (2013) Flow regulation is associated with riverine soil seed bank composition within an agricultural landscape: potential implications for restoration. Journal of Vegetation Science, 24, 157-167.

Hamel, P., Daly, E. & Fletcher, T.D. (2013) Source-control stormwater management for mitigating the impacts of urbanisation on baseflow: a review. Journal of Hydrology, 485, 201–211.

Hamel, P., & Fletcher, T. D. (2013) The impact of stormwater source-control strategies on the (low) flow regime of urban catchments Water Science and Technology, DOI:10.2166/wst.2013.772

Virasawhmy, H., Stewardson, M., Vietz, G., & Fletcher, T. D. (2013) Factors that affect the hydraulic performance of raingardens: Implications for design and maintenance. Water Science and Technology, DOI:10.2166/wst.2013.809

Zinger, Y., Blecken, G.-T., Fletcher, T.D., Viklander, M. & Deletic, A. (2013) Optimising nitrogen removal in existing stormwater biofilters: Benefits and tradeoffs of a retrofitted saturated zone. Ecological Engineering,51, 75–82.


Burns, M.J., Fletcher, T.D., Walsh, C.J., Ladson, A.R. & Hatt, B.E. (2012) Hydrologic shortcomings of conventional urban stormwater management and opportunities for reform. Landscape and Urban Planning, 105, 230–240.

Daly, E., Deletic, A., Hatt, B.E. & Fletcher, T.D. (2012) Modelling of stormwater biofilters under random hydrologic variability: a case study of a carpark at Monash University, Victoria (Australia). Hydrological Processes, 26, 3416–3424.

Feng, W., Hatt, B.E., Fletcher, T.D., McCarthy, D.T. & Deletic, A. (2012) Biofilters for stormwater harvesting: understanding the treatment performance of key metals that pose a risk for water use. Environmental Science and Technology, 46, 5100–5108.

Gonzalez-Merchan, C., Barraud, S., Le Coustumer, S. & Fletcher, T.D. (2012) Monitoring of clogging evolution in the stormwater infiltration system and determinant factors. European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 16, 34–47.

Grant, S., Saphores, J., Feldman, D., Hamilton, A., Fletcher, T.D., Cook, P., Stewardson, M., Sanders, B., Levin, L., Ambrose, R., Deletic, A., Brown, R., Jiang, S., Rosso, D., Cooper, W. & Marusic, I. (2012) Taking the “waste” out of “wastewater” for human water security ad ecosystem sustainability. Science, 337, 681–686.

Greet, J., Cousens, R.D. & Webb, J.A. (2012) Flow regulation affects temporal patterns of riverine plant seed dispersal: potential implications for plant recruitment. Freshwater Biology, 57, 2568-2579.

Le Coustumer, S., Fletcher, T.D., Deletic, A., Barraud, S. & Poelsma, P.J. (2012) The influence of design parameters on clogging of stormwater biofilters: a large-scale column study. Water Research, 46, 6743–6752.

Li, Y., McCarthy, D.T., Alcasar, L., Bratières, K., Fletcher, T.D. & Deletic, A. (2012) Removal of Clostridium perfringens, Escherichia coli and F-RNA coliphages by stormwater biofilters. Ecological Engineering, 49, 137–145.

Lizama Allende, K., Fletcher, T.D. & Sun, G. (2012) The effect of substrate media on the removal of arsenic, boron and iron from an acidic wastewater in planted column reactors. Chemical Engineering Journal, 179, 119–130.

Lizama Allende, K., Fletcher, T.D. & Sun, G. (2012) Removal of arsenic by coprecipitation with iron in vertical flow wetland columns. Environmental Science & Technology (eds G.A. Sorial & J. Hong), pp. 312–318. American Scientific Press, Houston, USA.

Walsh, C.J., Fletcher, T.D. & Burns, M.J. (2012) Urban stormwater runoff: a new class of environmental flow problem. PLoS ONE, 7(9), e45814. doi:45810.41371/journal.pone.0045814.

Walsh, C.J., Fletcher, T.D., Vietz, G., Thompson, R., Tapper, N., Beringer, J., Coutts, A. & Allen, R. (2012) Using the water generated by cities to provide ecosystem services. CityGreen, 5, 154–163.


Deletic, A., Dotto, C.B.S., McCarthy, D.T., Kleidorfer, M., Freni, G., Mannina, G., Uhl, M., Henrichs, M., Fletcher, T.D., Rauch, W., Bertrand-Krajewski, J.L. & Tait, S. (2011) Assessing uncertainties in urban drainage models. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 42–44, 3–10.

Dotto, C., Deletic, A., Fletcher, T.D. & McCarthy, D.T. (2011) Calibration and sensitivity analysis of urban drainage models:MUSIC rainfall/runoff module and a simple stormwater quality model. Australian Journal of Water Resources, 15, 85–94.

Dotto, C., Kleidorfer, M., Deletic, A., Rauch, W., McCarthy, D.T. & Biofiltration, F.f.A.W. (2011) Performance and sensitivity analysis of stormwater models using a Bayesian approach and long-term high resolution data. Environmental Modelling and Software, 26, 1225–1239.

Fletcher, T.D., Walsh, C.J., Bos, D., Nemes, V., RossRakesh, S., Prosser, T., Hatt, B. & Birch, R. (2011) Restoration of stormwater retention capacity at the allotment-scale through a novel economic instrument. Water Science and Technology, 64.2, 494–502.

Francey, M., Fletcher, T.D., Deletic, A. & Duncan, H.P. (2011) The testing and sensitivity of a simple method for predicting urban pollutant loads. Journal of Environmental Engineering, 137, 782–789.

Greet, J., Webb, J.A. & Cousens, R.D. (2011) The importance of seasonal flow timing for riparian vegetation dynamics: a systematic review using causal criteria analysis. Freshwater Biology, 56, 1231-1247.

Greet, J., Webb, J.A. & Downes, B.J. (2011) Flow variability maintains the structure and composition of in‐channel riparian vegetation. Freshwater Biology, 56, 2514-2528.

Hatt, B.E., Steinel, A., Deletic, A. & Fletcher, T.D. (2011) Retention of heavy metals by stormwater filtration systems: breakthrough analysis. Water Science and Technology, 64, 1913–1919.

Imberger, S.J., Thompson, R.M. & Grace, M.R. (2011) Urban catchment hydrology overwhelms reach scale effects of riparian vegetation on organic matter dynamics. Freshwater Biology, 56, 1370–1389.

Lizama Allende, K., Fletcher, T.D. & Sun, G. (2011) Enhancing the removal of arsenic, boron and heavy metals in subsurface flow constructed wetlands using different supporting media. Water Science and Technology, 63, 2612–2618.

Lizama A, K., Fletcher, T.D. & Sun, G. (2011) Removal processes for arsenic in constructed wetlands. Chemosphere, 84, 1032–1043.

Yong, C., Deletic, A., Fletcher, T.D. & Grace, M.R. (2011) Hydraulic and treatment performance of pervious pavements under variable drying and wetting regimes. Water Science and Technology, 64, 1692–1699.Zhang, Z., Szota, C., Fletcher, T. D., Williams, N. S., Werdin, J., & Farrell, C. (2018). Influence of plant composition and water use strategies on green roof stormwater retention. Science of The Total Environment, 625, 775-781.